We are getting married in the small Spanish town of Moraira, which is an ex-fishing village on the Costa Blanca.
(more - rye - ruh)
Moraira is located 90km (~70 minutes) from Alicante Airport and 130km (~ 90 minutes) from Valencia Airport.
Alicante Airport is a major tourist hub for budget airlines so you're likely to find cheaper prices and more options here compared to Valencia.
You might find that hiring a car is a good, cost-effective option if you are travelling as a group, or if you are looking to explore further afield. There are lots of car hire companies operating at both airports.
Alternatively, from Alicante Airport a taxi will cost €125+ each way. The shared shuttle 'Costa Connect' service costs €27 per person - this is booked in advance at beniconnect.com.
Getting around Moraira
Moraira is a small town and the centre can be easily traversed by foot. However, accommodation options extend for several kilometers. Taxi service in the town is very limited so we would recommend staying within walking distance of the centre of town.
On the wedding day, we will be providing transport to and from the venue from locations around Moraira.